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We are currently working on making a limited series of prototypes available for purchase. The price is estimated from 4000 to 5000 euros and deliveries will start spring 2014.


Here's the chance to pre-order yours now. As the production will be limited, a strict priority list will be followed. By filling this form you are saving yourself a place on that list. Once the number of prototypes to be produced and the final specifications are determined we will contact to inform you about the specs and final price of the prototype. At this point you will be able to verify or cancel your order. In case you verify, aν advance will be needed for manufacturing your bike. 


If you want to pre-order fill the following form.

In the field "subject" write ORDER LIST

In the field "Message" please write the color that you prefer from the Configurator page and add any comments or special enquiries.


Success! Message received.

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